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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan G Johnson

After posting my blog I began reading a few of my classmates responses.  I find it amazing that one article can garner so may different views and approaches to the subject matter.  One interesting point that I read was in Dianas blog, that the book was written prior to 9/11, which unfortunatley has forced US citizens into having a completely altered view or perspective on "different" people. I think perhaps had this been written now, maybe he would have a different take or maybe it would have driven him further into an abyss of pure doom and gloom. Another great point she made was that its not necessarily the priviledge of being born male, white and hetrosexual that guarantees you priviledge and power, but Money.  If you have it you are the group with the best "label".  You are afforded the best opportunites that money can buy, or not buy pbut just handed to you on a silver platter, just for being born into that luxury.  I think the author should have included that powerful denominator when factoring in who is priviledged and who isnt.

1 comment:

  1. Your post brings about some very pertinent arguments that I think are definitely worth discussing.

    You say "It's not our inability as a race or society to change things, its our fear." I have to agree with this statement and add the fact that most people are afraid of change, no matter what good the change might bring about, they are resistance to it simply because it is different from their norm.

    I wonder though, with a controversy like that in which Johnson identifies, are we all just pointing fingers at each other? How can we truly erase any prejudice within our society? Is it even possible, or is this something that will start small and gradually become the norm, to embrace diversity? It is not like we are asking for people to change the type of cereal that they eat in the morning....
